Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Not Because of You-Part 3

Veronica walked along the beach.

Tonight was full moon. Tonight, at least, she could feel the ocean breeze she could never feel. Tonight she could enjoy the beauty of ocean she had never seen. Tonight was the only chance she had.

Veronica had planned to walk with Evans, holding his hands firmly and walking along this beach. She had planned to spend as much time as she could with Evans on their only trip. She had planned… The persistent tears run down again.

Veronica had told herself not to cry when she had made this hard decision. She had told herself to stop longing for Evans when she told Mrs. Kopf about Maribel. Still…

Veronica wiped her tears. Maybe she should drown herself on the ocean just like what Evans had said when she had told him her wish.

“Do you want to die!?” Evans had argued her, “No one swim in the ocean at night!”

Evans looked at the calm ocean again. Maribel was right. Veronica couldn’t be there although he had agreed to accompany her. Veronica mustn’t be.

“Let’s go!” Maribel pulled Evans, “My friends have already waited for us.”

“She starts it again,” the boys were grumbling.

“Since she was engaged to Evans, she always boasts her fiancé,” the others agreed.

“Maribel really makes me angry. Evans isn’t the only best man in the world. Don’t you think so, Dan?”

The boys be asked to had walked away.

“Dan!?” he called, “Where are you going?”

“Take al walk,” he replied as he was walking to the beach. He had growing tired of the latest gossip. They always and always talked about Evans and his new fiancée. He didn’t care whoever that rich boy engaged to. He didn’t interested!

Dan watched the scenery in front of him. Tonight was a beautiful nigh. The breeze was warm. The clear sky revealed its beautiful stars and round moon. The ocean was shining under the full moon. It was beautiful scenery.

A figure sprang from the ocean.

Dan hid behind a rock.

A girl walked toward. Her wet hair shined under the beautiful moonlight.

Dan gasped as the moonlight revealed her beautiful side-face.

The girl looked at his direction.

Dan hid again. His heart was beating fast.

“Who?” she asked with her sweet voice. “Who is there?”

Dan prayed won’t be found.

There were neither steps nor sounds. When Dan took a peek again, the girl was gone – leaving only her small footsteps on the dark beach.

That night Dan couldn’t forget the beautiful shape of the girl’s side-face. When he had told his friend, they had only laughed at him. They had said she maybe was a ghost.

Dan believed she wasn’t a ghost. She was real. He had followed her foot prints until the ladder to their hotel. Dan believed the girl stayed in the same hotel as them. Therefore he watched each girl he met this morning carefully.

“So, have you found your beautiful ghost?”

“Nope,” Dan replied tiredly. They had kept repeating that question this morning.

“Maybe you should wait her at that rock until night.”

Dan looked at the rock he had hided behind last night.

A girl stood on the top of the rock. A scarf covered her head and a hat prevented the sun burning her face.

Dan gasped as he realized who the girl was. “That’s the girl.”

“Where? Where?”

“There… on the rock,” Dan told them.


“Don’t kidding me! You may love any girl but her!”

“What’s wrong with her?”

“Don’t you know her? She is a monster!”

“She is Evans’s ex-fiancée,” the other told Dan.

“She forced Evans,” the other corrected him, “Evans had accidentally burnt her right face and she blamed Evans for it.”

Dan watched the girl tried to cover her right face as the wind blew.

Some girls looked at her while giggling.

She seemed to feel it. For a second she looked so sad and she turned her back – moving away.

“At least she didn’t boast Evans,” Dan leaved his friends.

“Dan! Dan, where are you going?”

Evans watched the boy who wanted to pursuit Veronica. his eyes followed the boy walked toward Veronica. Evans couldn’t let it happened.

“Evans!” Maribel pulled his arm. “This is yours.”

“What, Veronica?”

Maribel stared at him angrily.

Evans realized his fault.

Maribel threw the ice creams into Evans’s face and walked away in rage.

The shopkeeper and the other guests stunned.

Evans cleaned his face then asked the seller with his calmness. “How much?”

A strong wind blew Veronica’s hat.

Veronica stretched her hand to catch it.


Veronica surprised.

Some kids run away in horror.

Veronica covered her face with her scarf. Evans was right. It was a wrong decision to come to the beach at noon.

“I believe this is your hat” someone handed Veronica’s hat.

Again a strong wind blew.

Veronica tried her best to over her right face.

The boy pulled Veronica’s scarf.


He put Veronica’s hat on her head and used her scarf to fasten it into her head. “This is better.” Then while knotting the ends of her scarf under her chin, he said, “Now the wind won’t blow it away.”

For Veronica amazement, the boy smiled. “Why?” she asked, “Why aren’t you afraid?”

“What should I am afraid of?” he asked, “You are a beautiful girl.”

The praise colored Veronica’s cheek.

“I think we ever met before.”

“Are we?” Veronica asked.

“Whatever,” he said, “I am Dan,” he stretched his hand, “What’s your name?”

“I… my…,” Veronica looked at the hand nervously, “I’m Veronica Suffolk.” She shake the hand.

“You have never talked to boys before, haven’t you?”

The gentle smile in Dan’s face reminded Veronica of Evans. “No, I have,” she replied sadly.

“Ah, yes,” Dan corrected his own word, “You are Evans’s ex-fiancée.” For Dan’s surprise, tear felt down from Veronica’s eyes.

Veronica turned her body.

“I’m sorry,” Dan followed Veronica in puzzle.

“Veronica!” the call stopped Veronica.

Maribel stopped Veronica.

Veronica just looked at the girl. “What…”

“Stop it! Stop bothering Evans! He is mine!” she raised her hand again.

“Stop it!” Dan held Maribel.

“You, monster! You always ruin others life. Why don’t you go to hell!?”

Veronica turned away and run.

“Veronica!” Dan followed her.

Veronica cried bitterly under a big coral.

Dan sat beside her silently. Now he remembered where they had met. They had ever met when Maribel had got angry to Veronica in front of his classroom. Veronica had still been Evans’s fiancée at that time and now she was his ex-fiancée. The only thing that didn’t change was Maribel’s rude attitude and Veronica’s silence.

“Dan,” Veronica wiped her tears, “Don’t tell anyone.”

Dan didn’t understand.

“Please…,” Veronica begged.

Dan had never cared of the relation between Evans, Veronica and Maribel. Now he keen to know.

Veronica’s watery eyes looked at Dan hopefully.

“Ok,” he agreed, “But…”

Evans stepped into Veronica’s favorite coffee shop.

He hadn’t talked to Veronica for more than one month. Since their school trip, he had to retire from Student Council and club’s activity. He was busy with his exams preparations and Veronica was busy with next Student Council activity, Student Council President Election. He didn’t have other opportunity to meet her either. Maribel never gave him any chance to meet Veronica in school. His mother forbade him meeting Veronica on Saturday.

Today was his only chance. His parents went abroad. They were invited by their business partner to a social party. He had successfully lied to Maribel. He told her that he had to study for next test.

Now Evans just hoped Veronica will be there.

They had been visiting this coffee shop for more than four years. Veronica had felt in love to this coffee shop since Evans refused to take her walked along the beach.

There in the corner, in Veronica’s favorite corner, sat a girl. She glazed the ocean from the big glass window.

“Hi, Daydreamer Princess,” Evans put his hand on Veronica’s shoulder with his typical caress and prepared for Veronica’s counter.

Veronica didn’t slap Evans with her bag like usual. She didn’t even move.

Evans sat in front of Veronica and made his order.

“Why are you here?” she asked without turning her head.

“There is no warning I can’t come.”

“Maribel won’t be happy to see you here,” Veronica took her glass, “With me.”

Evans watcher Veronica drank her tea. “You are avoiding me.” This wasn’t the topic he wanted!

“I must,” at least Veronica faced him, “Maribel is madly in love with you. She is always jealous to any girls around you,” she put her empty cup on the table and looked at Evans seriously, “Especially me.”

Veronica took her bag and stood.

“Veronica,” Evans grabbed her hand, “Why did you cancel our engagement?”

Veronica didn’t say a word.

“Tell me, why? Are you angry to me? Are you angry because I am always late? Did I do something that disappointed you?” Evans said everything he had in his head the last one month, “Tell me, Veronica. Tell me why?”

Veronica avoiding Evans’ eye sight again and whispered, “That’s not important.”

“Do you love me?”

She had ever asked the same question to him.

“There is a girl you choose on your side,” she replied, “Don’t you bother yourself,” she tried her best to stay calm, “Let me go. I have an appointment.”

“What appointment?”

Evans didn’t want to let Veronica go. He came to clarify everything. He wanted to know Veronica’s reason behind all of her actions. He demanded to know why Veronica avoiding him and acting as if they were strangers. He had the right to know everything!

“My driver is waiting.”

He saw Veronica’s private driver was waiting for that girl in the entrance. Willing less, Evans let Veronica go.

“Is the rumor true?” he asked. Evans referred to the rumor of Veronica’s arranged marriage.

Evans watched Veronica turned away. She didn’t say anything. She kept walking away just like she walked away from his life silently. Again those emptiness he had felt that evening, squished his heart.

“What did you want!?” yelled Mrs. Suffolk, “I seek a fiancée for you and you scared them away. I arranged a plastic surgery and you refused. What do you want!?”


“Do you want to be a nun!?”

A nun… yeah that could be a good idea. God never judged someone from her appearance.

“Mom, I know what I do. I will accept the consequences.”

“Don’t find me if you brokenhearted again!”

Veronica just kept quiet – not knowing whether she could fall in love again.

Her parent was the happiest person to learn the cancellation of her engagement. They had held a feast for it and they had planned marriage arrangement for her. Fortunately for them, her suitors were increasing after she had represented her unwillingly-coming-parents Evans’s engagement party. However, none of them truly loved her. They screamed in horror seeing her right face and never met her again.

“Good morning, Veronica.”

Veronica looked at Dan who was always waiting for her in entrance every morning.

Maybe Dan was the only man in the world who truly loved her. He had seen Veronica’s burned face and he had known her past with Evans. he knew she would never forget Evans. Still, he didn’t stop loving her.

“I will make you fall in love with me,” he said it every time.

If only she could…

“Yesterday I saw your car in the French restaurant. Did you have another marriage arrangement?”

Veronica chose not to say any word.

“Did you scare them away?”

She just wanted them to know every single truth.

“I promise you. I will work hard to be a millionaire then I’ll purpose you and I will pay for you face operation.”

Veronica didn’t say a word. He didn’t know why she always refused to take the operation.


Veronica shocked seeing Evans stood in her class-doorway. He had never done this before. He wasn’t the type of man who would wait for a girl. He wasn’t that type!

“Good morning,” Veronica surprised of her own calm voice.

“I need to talk with you,” he took Veronica’s hand.

What did he want? She had already clarified everything yesterday.

“Evans!” Maribel jumped on Evans, “I’m looking for you everywhere. What are you doing here? Don’t we have an appointment?” and she dragged Evans away.

Dan watched Veronica’s sad eyes following them.

“When will Evans graduate?” she asked in a low voice.

“When will you graduate, too?” Dan asked her knowing the answer was never. Although Veronica never answered his question, Dan knew she loved Evans.

“Are you crazy, Dan? Why are you pursuing that monster?”

“She must have put a spell on you.”

“Stop it!” Dan yelled.

“Don’t you learn your situation!? Everyone says it. Veronica use you to take Evans back.”

“Shut up!” Dan could hear those irresponsible gossips no more. “You don’t understand Veronica. She isn’t that kind of girl! She doesn’t like me following her but I do! I don’t care what the others saying. I love her!”

“You must be crazy. Her face is badly burned!”

“SO WHAT!? She is better than Maribel. Besides, when she becomes my girlfriend, I can persuade her to take the plastic surgery.”

Evans stopped.

Dan and his friends passed Evans.

“Veronica is an angel. If you watch her carefully, you can see her beauty,” Dan praised Veronica, “She likes a moon. When the sun is away, the moon shines charmingly. Her gentle beauty will attract you to look only to her.”

They laughed.

“You really mad.”

Evans stared at the boy. He had seen the boy with Veronica in their school-trip. Since that moment, they had often been seen together. Did he understand what he had done to Veronica?

It’s not the time to bother himself with Dan. He should find Veronica before Maribel showed up. He had no chance talking to her this morning. Maribel had also followed him during resting hour. His only hope was library – where Veronica used to spend her time before Student Council meeting.

Veronica sat alone in the corner. She was too busy studying to pay attention to how the others looked at her.

Evans was sad. Why hadn’t he realized this before? Why had he believe in Maribel?

Evans must have known what kind of girl Veronica is. She did rely on him every time. She did spend her time only with him. However, she had never refused to befriend with the others.

It was the irresponsible gossips. It was Veronica’s trauma that kept her away from the others.

Evans had ever witnessed how Veronica’s bodyguards had scared away her friends. Evans had ever overheard Veronica being laughed, being teased… for her face.

“DAMN! Where is the book? If I couldn’t find it, I will die. That killer Pierot often uses that book’s exercises.”

“Look. The monster has the book.”

“Damn! That monster always troubles the others.”

Evans stared at the girls angrily and sadly, he saw Veronica who didn’t realize anything.

“Veronica!” a girl suddenly hug Veronica.

Veronica surprised.

“Teach me! Teach me this Physics,” Jane begged, “That killer warned me to pass the coming test.”

Veronica looked at the girl. She hadn’t talk to her again since their last short talking.

“Don’t misunderstanding me,” Jane warned. Her eyes glanced at the girls who had just cursed Veronica. “I just want to pass my Physics exam.”

“Yes, of course,” Veronica smiled.

The girls stunned.

“Veronica…,” some girls approached. With all their courage, they said in low voice, “Could you teach us, too?”

“Go away!” Jane expelled rid their classmates off, “You said you don’t want the monster help you.”

The girls were panic.

Veronica just smiled. “Of course, I will.”

Jane watched Veronica happily taught them. “You are really a damn good person.”

“Excuse me?” Veronica puzzled.

“Nothing,” Jane said, “Don’t forget to write my Physics summary.”

“Jane, you are cheap!” her friend protested, “You already have one.”

Every single eye stared at them – made them silent.

“Don’t quarrel,” Veronica calmed them, “I can make a copy for all of you.”


Again those eyes stared at them unpleasantly.

“Please be quiet,” Veronica asked.

They were giggling happily.

Evans smiled. Veronica needed times. Yes, he could talk to her tomorrow.

Few meters behind, Maribel stood in rage. Evans had never given her that gentle smile. He had not study at home yesterday. She had seen them in the coffee shop.

That girl! That monster always troubled her. That monster always haunted their relationship. If only she was never here, Evans would be hers. If only she died…

*****Continue to part 4

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